The University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) and five of their innovative engineering students are taking part in this challenge under the lead of Professor Riaan Stopforth. One of these students are completing their Masters of Science in Mechatronics Engineering, whilst the rest of the students are studying towards a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering.


A word from Professor Riaan Stopforth: The MediVentors Challenge has trained students to learn about the medical requirements and expectations. It has been a great platform to develop people in the engineering sector, and to give opportunities for job and future career opportunities. It has allowed for collaboration between students and between universities, to allow us to build a network of people with similar interests. It is allowing us to solve problems experienced, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic, and to find ways to help people – not only the patient, but also the hard working and dedicated medical personnel.

Bio: Head prefect at both primary and high school. Received the Dux award at both primary and high school. Member of Golden Key Honour Society. Currently working a logistics internship at SAB. BSc Mech Eng.

Bio: 2013 Eskom Young Scientist Expo: Awarded Gold and Silver Medals at Regional and National contests respectively. Awarded ""Best Entrant & Winner in Category - Innovation & Technology"".
National Senior Certificate, Bachelor Pass with 7 Distinctions.
Final Year Bsc Mechanical Engineering student.

Bio: I am a final year Mechanical Engineering Student at UKZN. Part-time, I have an online tutoring business for primary and high school children.

Bio: A versatile and professional engineer with a commitment to and experience in problem solving and critical thinking. I have an aptitude for systems thinking and cross innovation across multidisciplinary areas (chemical engineering, industrial engineering, manufacturing, lean six sigma and now biomedical/mechatronic engineering). Currently in possession of a Bsc. Chemical Engineering degree and in the process of completing my MSc. Mechatronics engineering degree from Ukzn (completion year: 2021). Interests lie in cutting edge technology, modelling, analytics and innovation with a keen interest in integrating engineering with other fields such as the medical sector. My dissertation is focused on creating a smart IoT based healthcare monitoring system utilizing ML and Fuzzy expert systems for diagnostics.